An idea that began as a response to the mental health crisis on the NC State campus has become so much more.

The Story

As a response to the record number of suicides on our campus, I began reaching out to the people around me, encouraging them and myself to do something that not only made us happy but also allowed us to relax. College was stressful before COVID-19 and returning to school after a pandemic with the assumption that everything would return to how it was before was one that weighed heavy on all of our shoulders. After a long initiation process, the club started the 2022 school year with 2 members (including me) and grew to 5 by April. It was slow going and it made me want to quit, call the idea a failure, and move on. In the fall of 2023, I was prepared to dissolve the organization and find something that would prepare me for the career world, but then, I started getting membership requests and follow requests on Instagram and emails about inquiries. By the week before school started, I was getting contacted almost every day. 

And since then, CFAC has transformed from a chore into a passion, fueled by dedicated members who never miss a meeting and share photos of the product they create. To date, we have 71 registered members and a Yarn Ball (yes, just like the Yule Ball in Harry Potter) planned. More than just an opportunity to give back, this club has become a community.

The 2024 - 2025 School Year 


This semester, we are embracing the theme of “Bounce Back from Stress.” Our goal is to reconnect with the NC State community and foster resilience among students as we navigate the semester.

Beyond our weekly meetings, we aim to alleviate stress through meaningful projects that resonate with our members and the larger campus community.

In line with our commitment to supporting student well-being, we are excited to announce our goal of producing 150 stress balls by November 15th. These will be distributed during exam season to help students unwind and refocus.

Bounce Back from Stress

Our Project Pattern!

Extra Media

This succulent pillow was made by one of our Exec Board members, Olivia!
Fun Fact: She didn’t use an exact pattern to make this, only inspiration photos and general ideas!

This is Grimple, a goblin wearing a clock, that was crocheted by one of our club members, Olive!
Fun Fact: Grimple likes looking for cool bugs 🤍

Happy LDOC Eve!! Wanted to post a recap of our CFAC x Wolfstock crossover this past Saturday! We had so much fun hanging out and tie-dying with all of you and hope to see you next year at our meetings 👀👀

As always, follow us here or add us on Get Involved for updates on meetings and other information! All experience is welcome (I happen to know a high-ranking Board Member (and co-founder!!!) with no crochet abilities at all) so feel free to come in and learn next year!!

HAGS! ~CFAC Leadership Board

Is that a new Crocheting for a Cause logo??? Why yes, yes it is! Stay tuned in to see what new things we have in store for you all this semester! 👀✨

Today’s the day! Check out the link in our bio to see information about ways to donate, donation sites, and submission processes! 

Past Partners

Past Semesters

  • This semester is very multifaceted!

    • Theme: Still determined to encourage kids to read, the theme for this semester is 'Go to the Library!' We hope our bookmarks will foster excitement to learn about all of the resources the library has to offer. 

    Taking a break from collection drives: this semester, our leadership team and I have begun connecting with different student organizations on campus to begin partner collaborations. Some of our upcoming ones are: 

    • Cosplay and Costuming Convention: Keynote and Workshop: 'You Too Can Make a Character-Themed Bandana!'

    • WiCS x CFAC x College Mentors: Crocheted coding maps for elementary school students. We will need 512 crocheted squares.

    • Wolfpack Beds: An opportunity to learn about plarning (working with plastic bag yarn) and help create sleeping mats for our homeless population in Raleigh.

    • NC State Wolfstock: CFAC participated in NC State's end-of-year Wolfstock festival by hosting a create-your-own-flower tie-dye booth, featuring crocheted leaves and flowers. The event was a fantastic celebration to wrap up the year! See our event recap here, or scroll down for extra media. 

  • In the 2022-2023 summer semester, our club underwent a remodeling. The new format for this semester includes:

    • Theme: Our theme for this semester is 'Reading Accessibility in the Triangle,' focusing on improving access to literature in our area.

    • Cause: We will make donations to the Raleigh Rescue Mission and the Methodist Home for Children, benefiting homeless individuals, young adults, and children.

    • Product: We plan to donate crocheted bookmarks with every book to support our cause.

    • Drive: Our university-wide collection drive will gather reading glasses, young adult novels, and children's books.