Study Abroad
July 2023
I had the incredible opportunity to embark on a life-changing study abroad experience in the United Kingdom, thanks to a generous grant from the Goodnight Scholars Program. This program, titled 'British History and Shakespeare in Oxford,' proved to be an enriching journey of personal growth.
During my time abroad, I took two classes: one focused on Shakespearean literature and the other a special topics in British Memoirs. These classes provided me with insights into influential cultural event and contemporary societal issues. Topics such as mental health, immigration, and race were explored from a British perspective, offering surprising new views on the practices of the United States.
Standing in the square after Wicked.
I'm a wizard, Mom!
The absolute happiest I have ever been in my life.
Among the unforgettable moments of my journey, a visit to Harry Potter Studios stands out as an absolute highlight. Stepping into the world of the books from my childhood was a new kind of excitement. The attached photograph captures the light-hearted moment of me patiently waiting for the animated drawers, originally used in Olivander’s Wand Shop, to move and finally snapping the perfect shot.
Initially, my decision to participate in this study abroad program was driven by a desire to deepen my confidence in the English language and engage with the works of Shakespeare. However, I am glad that my first international excursion led me to Oxford, a city with breathtaking architecture and home to some of the world's most renowned art museums.
My personal objectives for this adventure were twofold: to prioritize self-care and to fully immerse myself in the culture. I challenged myself to maintain physical and mental well-being and actively sought out opportunities to connect with new people. An unexpected surprise occurred when I ran into familiar faces from Oxford while visiting Buckingham Palace and the changing of the guard ceremony.
While I enthusiastically embraced many of the adventures and cultural discoveries, this experience also taught me the invaluable lesson of striking a balance. I realized the importance of taking breaks and listening to my body when it signals the need for rest and rejuvenation. As an only child, navigating group dynamics within our full-time program came with its own set of challenges but with staff and peer support, I eventually enhanced my interpersonal skills, developed a stronger sense of patience and sharpened my ability to pay close attention to others.
Above all, this summer abroad ignited a desire to explore the world more extensively and I look forward to more solo travel adventures that offers me the freedom to chart my own course. On this trip I found that while I enjoy the company of others, I also need space for autonomy and independence. As I reflect, I am determined to find a career path that offers flexibility, allowing me to traverse the globe while leading a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.
More Pictures Below
The grounds behind Blenheim Palace on the “only day of sun a year.”
Somerville: Oxford's first women only college and our place of residence.
Laughing at Stonehenge.
A hike through the Fairy Pools in Scotland.
Standing in front of The Chatsworth House, Mr. Darcy's home in
Pride and Prejudice (2005).